Updated: 22/8/2000
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Diablo II: Amazon Skills

Bow And Crossbow Skills

These skills can convert your Amazon into a powerful archer who keeps everyone at distance and thus minimizes risks of having to repair armor and weapons. I repaired my armor only once in the whole game. If now she has a mana or health leeching item, an Amazon can regain mana and/or health just by fighting on. Also all but three offensive skills (Magic Arrow, Multiple Shot and Strafe) will always hit. Given space to move, an high level Amazon with a bow is deadly.

Magic Arrow

Level 1

"Far in the ancient past, Amazons found their glorious arboreal city of Tran Athulua under siege by the pirates of the Twin Seas. These cut-throats were determined to turn the Amazon Islands into their base of operations. The conflict lasted many months as the pirates laid in for a long siege. During the battle, supplies ran short, and the Amazon archers found themselves without ammunition. Realizing that their defense rested solely upon the ability of the archers to keep the corsairs at bay, the priests of the city prayed to Athulua to aid them. In answer, Athula infused the minds of the Amazons with the power to harness their natural spiritual energies. One by one the archers melded their determination and will into shards of physical force that they then unleashed from their bows by the thousands, firmly routing the corsairs back to sea."

This skill is only worth if you reach level 13 which then becomes free and so you have a skill which replaces all your arrows and adds a +12 damage to them. Else it is only useful if you are short of arrows.

Level12345678910111213141516 17181920
Mana Cost1.
Extra Damage012345678910111213141516171819

Fire Arrow

Level 1

"Hefaetrus is the Amazonian god of fire and rebirth who lives deep within the great volcano, Mount Arnazeus, on the island of Philios. Although primarily the patron deity of farmers, from time to time he bestows his favors upon the warriors of the Islands, so they may keep safe his congregation. Through proper prayer and the sacrifice of many fierce enemies, an especially brave Amazon can attain the power to imbue her shots with the destructive power of fire, allowing her to rake blazing missiles from her bow."

This skill adds Fire damage to your attacks. Don't waste points on that since it is a cut-down version of Exploding Arrow found later in the game. I use it early in the game as a main atttack on tough monsters for its 'always hit' ability, because then it is superseeded by Cold Arrow (same Mana Cost, more damage and slows down opponents). It is also useful to light up a very dark corridor.

Level 1 2 3 45678910111213141516 17181920
Mana Cost35.5810.51315.51820.52325.52830.53335.53840.54345.54850.5
Minimum Fire Damage13579111315171921232527293133353739
Maximum Fire Damage4681012141618202224262830323436384042

Cold Arrow

Level 6

"Although winter never seems to find its way to the ever-balmy Amazon Islands, cold climates are not unheard of. The summit of Mount Karcheus on the island of Philios is covered with snow all year long. Deep within an icy cave secluded amongst its towering peaks, is the Great Hall of Mirrors where mighty Karcheus the Watcher sits upon his throne. Ever vigilant, Karcheus keeps watch over the people of the Amazons. Warriors who have trained within his temple are able to instill their shots with the power of a freezing wind."

Similar to Fire Arrow, this skill adds Cold damage and halves the enemy speed for a specific time. I personally used it untill the end to slow down quick monsters. Expanded versions of Cold Arrow are Ice and Freezing Arrow.

Level 1 234567891011121314151617181920
Mana Cost35.5810.51315.51820.52325.52830.53335.53840.54345.54850.5
Cold Damage357911131517192123252729313335373941
Cold Duration (sec)

Multiple Shot

Level 6

Prequisites: Magic Arrow

"Legend has it that the fabled Amazon archer, Palashia, bragged in her youth that she could best the combined skills of all her greatest rivals. Taking umbrage, her rivals gathered to challenge her outrageous boast, arranging a contest to decide the question. To preserve her honor, Palashia was to strike the targets of all her rivals before they could land a single arrow. When dawn arose on the day of the contest, Palashia stood ready with her bow. At the signal, her rivals nocked their arrows and loosed a volley towards their targets. Palashia gathered her energies, and let fly with her own, single arrow. To the amazement of onlookers, her arrow split into many, cleaving the arrows of her rivals, and moving on to strike every target directly in their centers. This mysterious technique quickly became a martial secret that only the finest archers are able to master."

One of my favorite spells, if especially combined with high Critical Strike levels it can clear out rooms or corridors in seconds. Also if your bow is gemmed all the special attaks will affect a number of creatures. Especially useful with Saphire (grants Cold Damage in gemmed weapons) because so you can halve the speed of all creatures rushing to you. However, many people don't like it at all. They claim that it is a worthless skill because you must spend a lot of skill points to make it good (When I finished the game for the first time it was at skill level 8) and since there is no targeting you'd better keep these points for something else. I personally disagree but I just can't force anyone choose it or not, so try it for yourself. It is one of the spells you either love or hate.

Level 1  2  3  4  5  6 7891011121314151617181920
Mana Cost4567891011121314151617181920212223
Number or Arrows23456789101112131415161718192021

Exploding Arrow

Level 12

"Another gift of Hefaetrus, an Amazon warrior practiced in this skill can imbue the arrows that she fires with the ability to explode upon impact. The resulting detonation not only allows her to damage her intended target, but also anything caught within the explosive blast. The sight of a full battalion of Amazon archers firing a volley of such arrows is eerily beautiful. Many warriors, having witnessed good friends consumed by the flames of these arrows, vow never to fight against Amazon warriors ever again."

One of the best spells to use when weak enemies have surrounded you (like skeletons for example). It inflicts massive damage on a specific target, damaging all next to it (except you).

Level 1 234567891011121314151617181920
Mana Cost55.566.577.588.599.51010.51111.51212.51313.51414.5
Minimum Fire Damage27121722273237424752576267727782879297
Maximum Fire Damage49141924293439444954596469747984899499

Ice Arrow

Level 18

"The second of the prizes Karcheus bestows to a true warrior, this skill enables the Amazon to instill her arrows with the glacial force of a fierce blizzard. Enemies struck by this power not only feel the icy sting of the enchanted shaft, but also the force of a chilling arctic wind that, mysteriously, they alone can feel."

I personally don't like this spell much. It has a high mana cost and its freeze effect lasts for only a few seconds. I prefer the simpler version, Cold Arrow.

Mana Cost44.24.54.755.25.55.766.26.56.777.27.57.788.28.58.7
Freeze (sec)
Minimum Cold Damage610141822263034384246505458626670747882
Maximum Cold Damage1014182226303438424650545862667074788286

Guided Arrow

Level 18

"Hunting and fighting during the night and in the deepest darkness is a necessary skill to any daughter of the Amazon islands. Devoted disciples of Athulua can, with great difficulty and strict discipline, train themselves to fire their arrows at targets blindly, as if the hand of Athulua herself guided the arrows. As might be imagined, this is an art that the Sisters of the Sightless Eye have long envied and yet have never replicated."


Mana Cost87.
Damage +%05101520253035404550556065707580859095

Immolation Arrow

Level 24

"Hefaetrus will sometimes bestow this ability to his greatest champions. These fire-instilled arrows burn with such a fierce intensity that the very earth surrounding where they impact ignites into flame. Although the fires last but a few moments, some say the effect is as if the pillars of the mighty kingdom of Hefaetrus were reaching up through the ground to strike down the enemies who linger nearby."


Mana Cost678910111213141516171819202122232425
Minimum Explosive Damage4101622283440465258647076828894100106112118
Maximum Explosive Damage101622283440465258647076828894100106112118124
Fire Duration (sec)
Minimum Fire Damage8141925313743495560667278849096101107113119
Maximum Fire Damage10162228333945515763697580869298104110116121


Level 24

"Once a warrior has attained this facility, she can fire a volley of arrows with amazing speed and precision, striking one target after another. Veteran mercenaries often tell a tale of a new recruit who was nearly struck down in battle because he was too distracted when first seeing an Amazon use this ability. Do not doubt his word, as he is probably referring to himself. Just smile and buy him another tankard of ale."


Level 1 234567891011121314151617181920
Mana Cost11
Maximum number of targets5791113151719212325272931333537394143
Damage +%5101520253035404550556065707580859095100

Freezing Arrow

Level 30

"The greatest of the powers attained by those dedicated to Karcheus is the skill to imbue their arrows with the freezing power of a devastating avalanche. Enemies within the impact of a freezing arrow are frozen in their tracks and feel crushing pain, as if a mass of magical ice had toppled onto them."


Level 1 234567891011121314151617181920
Mana Cost910111213141516171819202122232425262728
Duration2 seconds
Minimum Damage6121824303642485460667278849096102108114120
Maximum Damage101622283440465258647076828894100106112118124
Radius3.3 yards

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